Weserbergland - Sehr Kosmisch, Ganz Progisch

Weserbergland Sehr Kosmisch, Ganz Progisch cover
Sehr Kosmisch, Ganz Progisch
Apollon Records
“Sehr Kosmisch Ganz Progisch” by Weserbergland is an album by flute player Ketil Vestrum Einarsen, whose been a member of Jaga Jazzist, White Willow, Motorpsycho and Geir Lysnes Listening Ensemble for a while, a true veteran of the Norweigian scene.
This is his contemporary take on inspiration he drew from Krautrock, but bastardized with way too many neoterisms to the point where the rather straightforward nature of the often hypnotic genre, becomes overloaded with effect ridden guitars and beats that feel quite electronic.
All in all, it’s four long winded instrumental pieces flow rather effortlessly and pleasantly without however feeling too groundbreaking. It might appeal to fans of the musician or non-purist kraut-progsters.