Dperd to release new studio album “Monsters” on December 10th 2021

Dperd Monsters cover
Dark Wavers Dperd unveil some of the aspects of their new album “Monsters”. It will be released on December 10th, 2021, and now you can see the intriguing cover realized by the great German photographer Lilith Terra, which amazing self-portrait perfectly describes the concept of decadence and isolation behind the melancholy of Dperd’s music.

“Monsters” will be released in 3 panels digipak format and it is now available to pre-order here.

1. The Spawn of Evil
2. The True Evil
3. Crumbs of Life
4. They Are Nothing
5. L’Altra
6. In the Crowd
7. How I Can Live
8. Pieces
9. Monsters
10. Nel Tempo
11. No More No One
12. The Most Cruel Beast
13. For Too Many Years
14. Vuoto
15. A Good Deed

“Monsters”, the 7th chapter of Dperd’s twenty-year career, will mark a turning point in their career, with a work almost completely sung in English and that opens to more international sounds thank also to the use of mellotron and trumpet, while the sophisticated magic that has characterized them in the last years will remain in their art.
