Kim Seviour - Recovery is Learning

Kim Seviour Recovery is Learning cover
Kim Seviour
Recovery is Learning
White Star Records
When something is over, then a new road opens ahead… that’s what exactly came on my mind when I listened to the debut solo release from Kim Seviour, the ex-vocalist of progsters Touchstone. Kim left the band almost two years ago, and after a time-period she spent for herself, she’s back in music again… and that’s great. Kim has an angelic voice that will calm your mind and soul no matter what.
Kim was also “fortunate” enough to cooperate with John Mitchell (It Bites, Lonely Robot), a very talented producer and songwriter on the whole. They both co-wrote and produced the album. Moreover, Kim’s debut was released by John and Chris Hillman’s newly formed music label White Star Records.
“Recovery is Learning” is an esoteric, quite calm and fascinating album in general. It is not overproduced and the final outcome is crystal clear and rich. Kim showcases her soft, atmospheric, melodic, rock, pop and prog side throughout the album. Every track has been carefully crafted so as to accompany Kim’s voice in the best possible way. It’s not easy to pick-up some tracks, cuz I think every single song here has its own allure and they are for specific times and moods of the day. This is the kind of music that you will listen to the radio (yeah I know!) and it will grab your attention from the very first moment. I’ve listened to “Recovery is Learning” several times and every time I have the same issue… it’s impossible to stop listening to album before it is over. Time passes so caringly and calmly that makes you “travel” to imaginary places. If you actually fancy well-written melodic, atmospheric prog pop/rock music with amazing female vocals, then do not let this album pass you by. I’m looking forward to Kim’s sophomore release… after all, Kim and John are a very strong music duo and we shall expect even greater things from them in the future.