Draconian reschedule 2021 European Tour to March 2022
Draconian have rescheduled their 2021 European tour with Nightfall to March 2022.
Comments the band:
“Unsurprisingly due to the pandemic situation, we’re forced to reschedule the European tour from 2021 to 2022. There were a few changes but most of the cities and venues are maintained. All tickets bought for the 2021 tour will remain valid for the new dates in 2022. We hope to see all of you on tour. Finally”.
Comments the band:
“Unsurprisingly due to the pandemic situation, we’re forced to reschedule the European tour from 2021 to 2022. There were a few changes but most of the cities and venues are maintained. All tickets bought for the 2021 tour will remain valid for the new dates in 2022. We hope to see all of you on tour. Finally”.