Rebel Machine
Nothing Happens Overnight
Independent Release
Rebel Machine is a debuting Brazilian quarter comprised of Marcelo Pereira (vocals), Murilo Bittencourt (guitar), Marcel Bittencourt (bass) and Chantos Mariani (drums). I can’t really put my finger on what their style of choice is, since they seem to have a rock approach, with an edgy and up-to-date production that takes a page of Swedish glam tactics, but applies it to pretty straightforward rock tracks, making things sound a little American, if that makes any sense at all; shouty vocals, quirky guitars and an overall feel-good factor.
They could use a little more variety I guess, since now, it’s only “Don’t Tell Me I’m Wrong” the song that really stands out, but their DIY approach might get em somewhere, if they stick to their guns for long enough and they find someone to champion them long enough in this modern media jungle.
They could use a little more variety I guess, since now, it’s only “Don’t Tell Me I’m Wrong” the song that really stands out, but their DIY approach might get em somewhere, if they stick to their guns for long enough and they find someone to champion them long enough in this modern media jungle.