Rick BooM Steel - New Book for Drummers - Are you in the 200 Club?

After taking the drumming world by storm,with his book "The Footiments", Rick 'BooM' Steel has once again amazed the drumming community. With his latest video, "Bumble Blast: 16th note Double Pedal Double Strokes at 200 beats per minute", BooM shows why he's known as the "Double Pedal Demon". He challenges Drummers everywhere, "Are YOU in the 200 Club?"
At his YouTube page, BooM says: "...Doubles, Flams, Ruffs, and Paradiddles: NOT just for the hands"! With Bumble Blast, he exemplifies how you can use the materials from his book. "Some Classical Music-when played as Metal-is heavy", says BooM. "When performing 'Flight of the Bumble Bee', many orchestras invite a guest soloist to show off their chops. So, I used crunchy guitar, heavy bass, keyboard, and cranked the tempo to 200 beats per minute".
BooM, known as "...one of the Best Drummers in Los Angeles...", is the consummate Drummer, Composer, Clinician, and Educator. "At one time, I was not in the 200 Club, and trust me, I tried!", BooM laughs. "It was the morning of Christmas Eve. The studio was empty. I had no family local, so I decided to try playing (traditional R/L/R/L) 16th notes on my Double Bass kit at 200 b.p.m.'s. I worked and worked. Then, at 180 b.p.m.'s it happened: ouch! I felt something tear in my left leg. I got up and struggled to a chair. After fifteen minutes, I arose and the pain was worse! I spent the next three days with my left leg elevated, unable to move". It was here, BooM gave up on the 200 Club...
But, after some great advice from the late Ron Spagnardi, BooM decided to begin writing his book, "The Footiments". He explains: "I was my 'own' student. I wrote the book so I could achieve the 200 Club"! For those in the know, his Double Pedal Double Strokes are played 'heel-toe'. BooM remembers the first time he used this technique with a band. "After Gregg Bissonette (David Lee Roth, Joe Satriani) recorded the drum tracks for the band "Bleed", he wasn't available for the live shows". Vocalist Robin McAuley (MSG, Survivor) and Bjorn Englen (Quiet Riot, Yngwie Malmsteen), after watching BooM play, offered him the gig. "I remember putting in some 16th and 32nd note double strokes", says BooM. When recording the last "Thirty Round Clip" CD (www.thirtyroundclip.com), he applied Double Pedal 16th note triplets to the song, "god Media". "At first, our producer Darian Rundall (Pennywise, Suicidal Tendencies) was a skeptic. He didn't think I could dig out the triplets at 150 b.p.m.'s". Using the Double Stroke Footiment, BooM was successful... producer happy.
Metal... Double Pedal... Shredding... these are the words the Double Pedal Demon lives by. First, in 2012, drummers around the world were introduced to 26 Footiments. Now, with this amazing version of "Flight of the Bumble Bee" - Bumble Blast, BooM has pushed the envelope again. He says: "When I teach, it's my my job to solve drumming problems... Using my book, I've had great success". Watch the video, check out his book... so you can say, "Yes, I am in the 200 Club"!