Mutiny Within - "Mutiny Within 2 - Synchronicity"

Mutiny Within
Mutiny Within 2 - Synchronicity
Roadrunner Records
Oh boy, where to start? Roadrunner Records usually never disappoints when it comes to metal music, but I must say, Mutiny Within is an exception. Their 2013 effort “Mutiny Within 2 - Synchronicity” is probably one of the most mediocre releases from the label I have listened to.
Granted, I am not the biggest fan of hardcore, but it is pretty easy to tell the difference between the groundbreaking and cookie cutter bands when it comes to the genre. Believe it or not, “Synchronicity” got me really excited as I was listening to the opening track, “Embers.” The weird cross between Rise Against and 30 Seconds to Mars with a touch of Tool definitely had me interested.
Despite “Embers” being so epic, none of the other tracks really tickled my fancy. Instead of any attempts at being innovative with hardcore, Mutiny Within has given us a bunch of generic tracks which follow the typical epic intro, huge chorus, brutal breakdown, semi-cool harmonized riff structure that is every hardcore song ever made.
There really is nothing else to say about this album. That being said, go listen to “Embers,” get really excited, then listen to the rest of the album and get disappointed!
P.S.: As I was searching for the “Embers” music video to embed on this page, I realized that the first minute of the video is an anti-music piracy ad. Not cool, at all. To compensate, here’s the album version without the 60 seconds of rich people trying to make you feel bad.