Kill Ritual - The Serpentine Ritual

Kill Ritual The Serpentine Ritual cover
Kill Ritual
The Serpentine Ritual
Scarlet Records
Kill Ritual are a sort of combo-band of sorts, with their members coming from other bands like Dark Angel and Imagika and such. Imaginably their style is not far removed from that of that of their normal bands and that would be riff laden heavy thrashing metal. The Vocals tend to be a bit muffed but overall the results are not too bad. Songs like the title track, “Time to Kill”, “Old School Thrasher”, quite the title, wouldn’t you agree, eh (?) and “The Day the World Dies” are quite good but, on the other hand it’s not something that hasn’t been done before or hasn’t been done better before.
The production, handled, by Andy Laroque, is sort of good, but not perfect, which I suppose, fits the style rather well and given the fact that we’re full of si$$y mary bands, with plastic productions and singers with too much eyeliner, eh well a bit of “annihilation” style, wardog, metal up thine sphinctum, might not be such a bad idea! Do check it out, if you want to thrash it out.