Gods Of Silence - Neverland

Gods Of Silence Neverland cover
Gods Of Silence
Rock Of Angels Records
Previously known as Kirk (for the better part of twenty years and having released 2 albums under that moniker), this Swiss five piece debuts under their new name, with an album of solid and balanced power metal with generous amounts of melody. Think early Avantasia/mid era Edguy, Masterplan or Serious Black, the sort of subdivision of power metal, where things are a bit epic, a bit powerful, not too symphonic (but with still generous amounts of strings, keys etc.) and above all not too cheesy. They manage to produce a rather decent album in that style that never quite gets boring, but also never quite excels, at least to the point of being truly standout, still that’s not to say they’re bad…
After the short eponymous intro, “Army of Liars”, sets in melodic as they come and with an epic chorus that works great as icing on the cake.
On “Against the Wall” initially their singer Gilberto Melendez assumes a more Kiske like style while he slowly slips into a fuller manlier delivery in a song with lots of sing-along parts that flows quite nicely.
The title track, “Neverland”, allows the keyboards to come to the fore in a big way leading the track, quite a bit more “Italian” in style, thus cheesier, but balanced out, by the “manly” but powerful vocals and the sturdy drumming.
“Full Moon” is more “lycanthropy” oriented and as thus, goes for a much heavier “Scandi” air. While the band pulls it off well, it does quite feel like a bit of a departure, after the much lighter predecessor.
“The Phoenix” explores great dynamics and explodes in a really dynamic chorus, a song that made me reminisce about the good albums of Bloodbound, before they decided to almost drop the ball, with their latest album…
“Demons” take a bit of an Iced Earth sort of cue, but is still totally “European” in execution. Neat.
“Alone” is another highlight, a truly great mid-tempo with a haunting chorus.
“You Mean Nothing More to Me” could easily have been a part of “Scarecrow” or fit in “Hellfire Club” and “All My Life” rounds off an album, with no major flaws in nearly perfect fashion.
Overall, a surprisingly tight and solid offering by these Swiss that really challenges the primacy of the German and Scandi bands in power metal, who have grown increasingly “fat’” and “lazy” in the past few years.