Ghost City - Tragic Soul Symphony

Ghost City Tragic Soul Symphony cover
Ghost City
Tragic Soul Symphony
Underground Symphony Records
Ghost City is a band that is born from the ashes of Orion, another Italian band that released an EP in 2002 and soon after went into hiatus and sees three of their instrumentalists (guitarist, bassist and keyboard player) working with a new drummer and a vocalist to form Ghost City.
They profess to be the new sensation in the Italian Metal Scene, but in all reality their symphonic power metal with prog touches (due to the keyboard flourishes) is nothing we haven’t heard before and while it is not terrible, it’s far from being “sensational”. Also their singer Francesco Civardi, for the most part sounds really pushing himself into uneasy false, falsetti that obviously lack the power and sound quite strained and when he doesn’t mixing or staying within his own comfortable range, he doesn’t sound that much interesting either.
Without being “bad”, the band relies on the “Italian traditions” and suffers both from a production that’s been somewhat salvaged by the mastering engineer and a singer who is not all that impressive. They will need to try a lot harder to be “sensational”…