Germán Pascual - A New Beginning

Germán Pascual
A New Beginning
Nightmare Records
Germán Pascual is a known vocalist in the scene, as has participated in Narnia, Mind’s Eye & DivineFire (he still is with the band). He’s definitely no stranger to the fans of heavy/power metal music.
“A New Beginning” is Germán’s first solo work. The special guest musicians joining in the album are Carl-Johan “CJ” Grimmark (Narnia/Fires Of Babylon/Rob Rock) and bassists Per Schelander (Pain of Salvation/Royal Hunt) and Raphael Dafras (Almah/Seven Horizons). Combining elements from the bands that he has worked for, he has enriched his heavy/power metal music with melodic & prog features along with a modern sound. Germán does not forget his Christian background as well. If you take a look at the lyrics you’ll know what I mean. The album is solid with powerful songs, a heavy production that could have been tighter if there was a real drummer on board. Even though he can’t avoid the clichés of the genre at all, I think that he has made it with certain passion and essence. His performances are very good and he’s a really good voice… not a great one though.
If you fancy acts like Symphony X, Narnia, Theocracy, Christian lyrics and heavy/power metal music with a modern orientation, then I can’t see a good reason why you should not try out “A New Beginning”. On the other hand, if you think you had enough of that then you should probably go for something closer to your liking.