Gaggle of Cocks - Low Class Trendsetter

Gaggle of Cocks Low Class Trendsetter cover
Gaggle of Cocks
Low Class Trendsetter
Sliptrick Records
Gaggle of Cocks is a band from New York City that has been around for over 10 years and has managed to get some buzz around their name. In 2008 when their first album, “American Trash”, came out acclaimed journalist Martin Popoff noted that “not since Melvins, Antiseen, Dwarves, Butthole Surfers and Agony Column has a band sounded so incendiary”. “Low Class Trendsetter”, their second full length attempt, also ventures into the in-your-face hard rock sound that got them this far. Just to give you an idea of what they sound like, their whole vibe reminds of the one by Green Jelly (in case someone else still remembers them).
With a name like Gaggle of Cocks you kind of expect a rude explosive sound and lyrics, and “Low Class Trendsetter” does not disappoint. From the first second of “Black Helicopters”, the first track there, the music and the vocals grab you from the neck and pull you in. Rough production sound, heavy dirty guitar riffs, a hammering rhythm section and harsh hoarse vocals. This raw bad-ass energy is present throughout the entire record, which is both a good and… a not so good thing. While I really enjoyed every track in this album, the band’s full throttle approach did make my ears need a little break from time to time. That break only comes with Sonza Bichez! (track number 7), which is a two and a half minute instrumental piece where Gaggle of Cocks manage to let a little loose without losing their overall spunk.
To use the examples that Mr. Popoff used five years ago, The Melvins, Antiseen, The Dwarves, Butthole Surfers and Agony Column knew when to take their foot off the gas petal. Sometimes you have to leave in order to come back. Gaggle of Cocks seem too reluctant to let loose; instead they stay really intense and really “in your face” for a really long time. This approach could work to their benefit if their melodies were a little more melodic and not so limited.
It has taken me around three hours (on and off) to write this review, because I didn’t want it to be a negative one. I think I understand where Gaggle of Cocks are coming from and I dig what they’re trying to do. It’s a good and honest try, but unfortunately I think they should work on their music a little bit more. The talent, the energy and the backbone are clearly there, otherwise they wouldn’t have been able to produce an album as solid as “Low Class Trendsetter”. I for one will keep an eye out for them, because they might one day give us something more than just good, they just might give us something great.