Black Veil Brides
Lava / Republic / Universal Music Group
It’s been a while… and I bet that some missed them badly or something like that. Almost 4 years after their self-titled album, Black Veil Brides are back with their new studio work, which can be seriously regarded as one of the top gay/pop/rock/metal albums for 2018! Yeah, it is that good or bad either way you see it!
I know that they are a “hot” name of the rock (what?!!) scene as we speak and they have their own crowd, a couple of major labels behind them and some lots of advertising to back them up… so far so good… but so what?!! It’s the music that matters the most… isn’t it so?! Every track on “Vale” is a potential “hit” (someone wrote) and I’m still wondering if this was written just to “troll” the band or something like that! Yeah, I agree… it is if you consider the fact that it’s like you’re listening to the same track again and again! Hehehe that’s what I call inspiration! When the songwriting is the band’s strong point… you end up featuring the same generic (at best) track on the album 12 times.
It’s funny to read that the band plays hard rock/ modern metal music however. The “whooa ooaaa” on the tracks is at least ridiculous and a way to make it sound trendy among their teenager fans. I’ve spent too much time listening to the same track repeatedly, but the funny and sad thing is that this album will be promoted and sell more than any other worthy album out there by gifted bands that are struggling to make it in today’s ludicrous popish/wannabe rock scene.
PS: Can you name an album cheesier than this? Ohh and the rating is symbolic…
I know that they are a “hot” name of the rock (what?!!) scene as we speak and they have their own crowd, a couple of major labels behind them and some lots of advertising to back them up… so far so good… but so what?!! It’s the music that matters the most… isn’t it so?! Every track on “Vale” is a potential “hit” (someone wrote) and I’m still wondering if this was written just to “troll” the band or something like that! Yeah, I agree… it is if you consider the fact that it’s like you’re listening to the same track again and again! Hehehe that’s what I call inspiration! When the songwriting is the band’s strong point… you end up featuring the same generic (at best) track on the album 12 times.
It’s funny to read that the band plays hard rock/ modern metal music however. The “whooa ooaaa” on the tracks is at least ridiculous and a way to make it sound trendy among their teenager fans. I’ve spent too much time listening to the same track repeatedly, but the funny and sad thing is that this album will be promoted and sell more than any other worthy album out there by gifted bands that are struggling to make it in today’s ludicrous popish/wannabe rock scene.
PS: Can you name an album cheesier than this? Ohh and the rating is symbolic…