3 Doors Down - Us and the Night

3 Doors Down Us and the Night cover
3 Doors Down
Us and the Night
Republic Records
I’d never thought I’d listen to a new studio work from 3 Doors Down again, since their 5-year gap had me believe that the band was about to call it a day over the years. Not that they are not successful by the numbers but honestly pop/rock music wouldn’t be poorer without them and surely they would not be missed by anyone!
Anyhow, 3 Doors Down are back with a new full-length album but without offering anything new at all… how could they do so afterwards? It’s a miracle they still can play this simple pop/rock shit and put together a couple of guitars and drums. “Us and the Night” is an ode to teenagers; foolish, gay, wannabe rock music that every teenager likes to hear till they grow up and then forget all about it. Ridiculous pop/rock music done by the book with silly little melodies that somehow managed to make the band both successful and wealthy! That’s one of the biggest injustices in music over the last 20 years. Some totally crap bands like 3 Doors Down get exposure, they have big labels to support them and somehow they become popular without being able to write down a damn fine melody or riff… so generic and tiresome that can hardly appeal to the masses or not…?!! Maybe if the album title was “Ass and the Night” things would have been way better!!!